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Summer Camp Registration (Rec & Pre-Comp) - check it out here!

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You must login or create an account to register for programs.

Summer Evening "Camp" is run similar to regular season training. The focus is on rhythmic gymnastics and associated skills - there are no crafts or other sport activities. 

You are able to choose all Tuesdays and/or Thursdays or "drop-in" by choosing specific dates when clicking register and selecting the "drop-in" tab in the pop-up. 


Please note that if our system detects more than 30 minutes of inactivity in your browser, your registration spots will no longer be reserved and you will need to begin again.

Having difficulty finding a program? Use the side menu options to filter the displayed programs.


For children 5 years old and older, a short assessment (free of charge) is required to ensure your child is placed in the best program suiting their goals, capabilities and needs.