Summer Camp Registration (Rec & Pre-Comp) - check it out here!
Pre-School Programs
Introduce your child to the world of rhythmic gymnastics!
Parents & Tots (1.5 to 3 years old)
An active way for you to spend quality time with your children, as well as, with other participating parents & tots. Your child will develop motor skills, body awareness and socialization skills all while being introduced to the world of rhythmic gymnastics! This program is designed to keep your child moving and having fun while incorporating RG skills throughout the class. A parent or guardian is required to accompany their child in the entirety of the 45 minute class. This program runs for 3 sessions, each 10 weeks long.
KinderGym (3 to 4 years old)
A fun & interactive way to keep your child active and introduce them to the world of rhythmic gymnastics! This program is designed to keep your child moving and having fun while incorporating RG skills throughout the class. This program runs for 3 sessions, each 10 weeks long.
Recreational Programs
Introduce your child to the world of rhythmic gymnastics!
Flexy Munchkins 1 (4.5 to 6 years old)
Time for your daughter to learn the ABC's of rhythmic gymnastics through a fun and innovative program. This program is designed to teach the basics in flexibility, acrobatics, apparatus technique and dance in an interactive hour. This program runs for 2 sessions, each 19 weeks long.
Flexy Munchkins 2 (5 to 8 years old)
Build on the skills learned in FM1 or previous dance/sport experience. This program is designed to build on pre-existing skills and advance your daughters flexibility, acrobatics, apparatus technique and dance in an interactive hour and a half. This program runs for 2 sessions, each 19 weeks long.
Best For Girls (7 to 13 years old)
For girls wishing to learn new things, find a new hobby, or experience a new sport. This program is designed to teach the basics in flexibility, acrobatics, apparatus technique and dance. Each class is 2 hours long. This program runs for 2 sessions, each 19 weeks long.
Advanced Recreational Big Kids (8 to 13 years old)
Developed for girls interested in rhythmic gymnastics who have previous dance/sport or RG experience. This program is designed for girls wishing to become competitive or want the challenge of competitive in a recreational setting. This program is designed to build on pre-existing skills and advance your daughters flexibility, acrobatics, apparatus technique and dance. Each class is 2 hours. This program runs for the full year, for 38 weeks.
Teen (12+)
For girls wishing to learn new things, find a new hobby, or experience a new sport. This program is designed to teach the basics in flexibility, acrobatics, apparatus technique and dance. This program runs for 2 sessions, each 19 weeks long.
Pre-Competitive Programs
Start your daughters path towards competitive in a recreational setting!
Pre-Competitive Mini (4.5 to 5 years old)
For with kids with a natural inclination and motivation for rhythmic gymnastics. This program is designed to build on natural abilities and create a love for the sport of rhythmic gymnastics. This program runs for 1.5 hours per week and is a full-year program (38 weeks).
Pre-Competitive Novice (6 to 8 years old)
Build on the skills learned in FM1/FM2 or previous dance/sport experience. This program is designed to build on pre-existing skills and advance your daughters flexibility, acrobatics, apparatus technique and dance. This program runs 2 hours per week (minimum). This program runs for the full year, for 38 weeks.
Pre-Competitive Junior (6 to 9 years old)
The step before competitive! This program is for girls to enjoy RG and all it has to offer in a more competitive-style setting. Your daughter will advance her flexibility, acrobatics, apparatus technique and dance in preparation for future competitive programs. Not sure if your daughter would like competitive? This is the perfect program to test & see without the full commitment of competitions. Training is 2 hours at a time, twice a week (min. 4 hours a week required). This program runs for the full year, for 38 weeks.
Pre-Competitive Senior (8+ years old)
For gymnasts loving a competitive set-up in a recreational setting, This program will allow girls to learn both an individual routine & group routine with fellow classmates. Your daughter will advance her flexibility, acrobatics, apparatus technique and dance in preparation for future competitive programs. Not sure if your daughter would like competitive? This is the perfect program to test & see without the full commitment of competitions. Training is 2 hours at a time, twice a week (min. 4 hours a week required). This program runs for the full year, for 38 weeks.
Competitive Programs
There are a wide range of competitive programs to immerse your daughter in at York Stars RGC.
- Gifted
- Interclub
- Provincial
- National
- AGG (Aesthetic Group Gymnastics)
- RG Group (Rhythmic Gymnastic Group)
If you require more information on our competitive programs, please email
Adult Programs
There are a wide range of adult programs to immerse yourself in at York Stars RGC.
All programs mentioned below run from October to June. Pay month by month! Choose how many months when registering!
Available Programs
- Stretching
- RG (Rhythmic Gymnastics)
Coming Soon!
- Ballet
- AGG (Aesthetic Group Gymnastics)
If you require more information on our adult programs, please email
Price List For Rec (Sessional Programs)
Parent & Tot - $150+hst/session (each session is 10 weeks - 45 minutes per week)
Preschool - $180+hst/session (each session is 10 weeks - 45 minutes per week)
Flexy Munchkins 1 - $325+hst/session (each session is 19 weeks - 1 hour per week)
Flexy Munchkins 2 - $475+hst/session (each session is 19 weeks - 1.5 hour per week)
Best For Girls - $625+hst/session (each session is 19 weeks - 2 hours per week)
**There is an annual Gymnastics Ontario/Club fee of $60.00 which each recreational gymnast must pay. It is insurance and the athletes cannot train without it. It will be added to your cart when registering for programs.
Price List For Rec & Pre-Comp (Full-Year Programs)
1.5 hours/week - $900+hst (Pre-Competitive Mini)
2 hours/week - $1210+hst (Advanced Recreational and Pre-Competitive Novice)
4 hours/week - $1210+ $1210 - 20% on the second class = $2178.00+hst (Advanced Recreational, Pre-Comp Novice, Junior & Senior)
6 hours/week - $1210+ $1210+ $1210 - 50% on the third class = $3025.00+hst (Advanced Recreational, Pre-Comp Novice, Junior & Senior)
Discounts are applied at check-out.
* Uniform included (1 tanktop and 1 pair of leggings)
**There is an annual Gymnastics Ontario/Club fee of $60.00 which each recreational gymnast must pay. It is insurance and the athletes cannot train without it. It will be added to your cart when registering for programs.
Price List For Competitive (Full-Year Programs)
Please email if you are a new athlete to York Stars and need a breakdown and explanation of prices and programs for competitive.
For current athletes, an email has been sent elaborating on the registration process. Please email if you have any questions.